

Someone wanted to pay me to draw for them!

I was so shocked!

I was drawing at Starbucks, when someone passing by asked me if I did portraits, and how much I charged. 

I was a little flustered, but I managed to mumble a few words. "Uhh, no, not really. I don't draw. I mean...uhh... I don't charge?" She was really cheery, and did not seem phased by my evident shortcomings at social communication. She gave me her contact number, and once I regained my composure, I called her back. 

She gave me a picture of her sister she wanted drawn for her upcoming birthday. She wanted me to draw it! I still find that detail unbelievable. 

This is what I sent her. 

I really hopes she likes it. 

P.S. I am reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

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