
Bucket List Sort of Thing (NaBloPoMo Day 18)

I thought it would be fun to start a sort of continuous bucket list where I post 5 things at a time that I want to do before I, you know, kick the metaphorical bucket.  Also, I thought I should include 1 thing that I've already done in each of these posts. Maybe Lauren will do some of these also. I wonder how many bucket list items we have in common. 

1) write a novel

2) play one of my songs on a stage in front of a lot of people who are singing along

3) carve my name and yours into a tree somewhere

4) publish Poet Tree: Just a Little Book of Poems by Spencer Feder

Here's one of the poems that will go in it:

a question
everyone’s falling apart and fraying at the edges
we break each other’s bones with our innocent intentions

 beautiful oblivion: the only state that we’ve been in
but today is the day when
ignorant bliss becomes the sadness of knowing
and they say sometimes the hurt gets worse before
it can get better, but are we expected to keep
moving forward when the earth beneath our very feet
is burning and burning and burning and burning? 

5) achieve self-actualization

(I think the above picture is probably something like what self-actualization looks like)

6) fold the tiniest paper hat

Tell me some things on your bucket list, please! Or you don't have to, and that's fine also. I'll definitely blog about it if any of these things happen, so stay tuned for that.


What I'm listening to right now: Tight Rope by Alex Clare

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