
Project #36: Make a Recipe Using an Ingredient I've Never Tried Before (My Take on Eggs Benedict)

Last night Lauren and Tyler cooked an artichoke and made hollandaise sauce to go with it. This morning (with egg poaching help from TF) I made eggs benedict with the leftover hollandaise sauce.

It was just delicious.

Here's a picture of Lauren with her fancy new do-it-yourself manicure, separating the eggs for the sauce.

It really turned out well (the hollandaise sauce and the manicure).

We found this rosemary and sea salt bread at our favorite local grocery store, and it was the perfect substitute for an English muffin in my version of eggs benedict.

I'm not very good at poaching eggs, but I'm learning.  Tyler did this one for me.

I think it looks lovely.

I toasted the rosemary bread and topped it with fresh mâche leaves.  I had never tried (or heard of) them before.  They look a lot like spinach leaves, but have more of a bitter taste.  This bitterness with the salty bread, the tangy hollandaise, and the sweet tomato slices combined very well, and I would definitely use mâche in a recipe in the future.

What I'm watching right now: Lie to Me


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