
Things for Cheering Up (NaBloPoMo Day 4)

Okay, so here's my list of potential/dream careers:

1) singer/songwriter (because I have a passion for singing/writing songs)

2) construction worker (because I have a desperate desire to be a part of a brotherhood; still, a less practical option)

3) poet (my book Poet Tree: Just a Little Book of Poems by Spencer Feder will be available at a store near you some time in the next 14 decades)

4) baker/bakery owner (the idea of waking at 4 AM to bake in a quiet kitchen is intoxicatingly beautiful)

5) a fortune cookie fortune writer (because THERE AREN'T ENOUGH GOOD FORTUNES IN THIS WORLD)

You see, the writer of the above work knows how to do it.  It's an actual prediction for the future, it's positive, it's open-ended, and it makes me believe it is true. I just think I would have so much fun writing those. Unfortunately, until my 5th career dream comes true, only those of us with good fortune will end up getting good fortunes (see what I did there?). 

TALK about things that cheer you up. This is Josephine. She has been in numerous Lauren/Spencer Project posts. She lives in sunny Florida and mostly just sleeps and lifts the spirits of those around her. Most of the time, she does these things simultaneously. I miss her to no end.

Who decided you can't have cats in college dormitories?? OK, actually that's a good idea.

Attending an art school, floor bonding activities generally include tape art. The first week of school, my RA put this on the wall in the hallway and it is such a comfort. Seriously, you should save this picture to your computer and look at it when you feel sad. I won't even be mad about copyright infringement or whatever. You could even make it your background or post it on your own blog (!). 

This sits on my desk, and I follow its instructions almost every day. Well, definitely the second part, anyway.

This is just something that happened when my camera wouldn't focus, but it certainly cheers me up to look at it. Let's hear it for bokeh.

And finally, this is a picture I took in English class. Surprisingly enough, in art school, you still have to take liberal arts classes. Fortunately for me, I don't have to take many of those without Maggie, my English teacher's dog. 

Who's excited about the number of posts we're putting up? Lauren and I are on NaBloPoMo fire. Or something. Speaking of which, I've decided to call my first album or memoir or whichever comes first "Or Something." What do you guys think?

OK, drink some hot apple cider for me today.

Smiles and Hugs,

What I'm listening to right now: Fake Plastic Trees by Radiohead

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