
Some Things That Have Happened (Summer 2012)

The Feder girls dressed in red, white, and blue and attended a special July 4th dinner at Bob Evans. It turns out they don't have fireworks there.

Lauren matched her eye makeup to her outfit.

There was a lot of crafting at Starbucks.

And a lot of fake mustaches at Starbucks.

I think the above picture is self-explanatorily hilarious. I don't know about saying self-explanatorily. I sound like a fool.

I walked into my room to find this which was amazing.

My family is excessively affectionate in public.

My sisters found the glasses of their dreams. The sort of dreams you have at night, though, not the ones you decide to have during the day.

Lauren made me pre-birthday birthday cupcakes! They were delicious. I think this is the fourth year of our baking each other birthday cakes tradition. I think that's the longest I've ever kept any tradition.

Tomorrow is my nineteenth birthday. Remember when I did a blog post about my eighteenth birthday? Isn't it weird that eighteen only has one t in it? It's a little weird, let's be honest. WOW The Lauren/Spencer Project is a year old now! In year two of The Lauren/Spencer Project's existence, here are the ways in which I hope to improve the blog:

  1. I will try to actually do blog posts sometimes.
  2. When I do blog posts I will try to make them things that aren't just pictures of things that happened in my life that no one cares about that much because I'm not famous.
  3. I will try to make an effort to do more exciting things so that when I do post pictures of things that happened in my life, other people will be excited to see them, even though I'm not famous.
  4. I can't think of any more right now.
  5. Oh, I thought of one. It's that every time I make a numbered list or acrostic poem or something in a blogpost, I always make one of the numbers that I "can't think of any more things to say." That's something I'll try to not do during The Lauren/Spencer Project year 2.

Comment below if you've stuck with The Lauren/Spencer Project since the beginning! 

I'm not sure if that's anyone except for Lauren and Spencer (and in actuality, not really Lauren or Spencer either), but anyway, we appreciate any support that we're given and look forward to a blog post-filled year 2!


What I'm listening to right now: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift


Andy L. said...

May your posts be frequent and inspired!

Unknown said...

You have a gift for seeing the world in a most wonderful way. Thank you for sharing. :)