

It was a lonely day when the girl sat at the windowsill, and saw a spider

come down the blue begonia. She watched its strong body weave a delicate web. Entranced by its work, she ventured outside, and approached it with a quivering hand.

She let the creature crawl up her arm, and it tickled. She let it rest in her hand, and it comforted. She made it her companion and together they spent many not-so-lonely days. They were happy. Until one lonely day, the girl sat at the windowsill looking outside for her friend, and witnessed a horror. Beneath the blue begonia, the familiar web turned into a frightening foe as its frail tendrils reached like pale sticky fingers and ensnared a beautiful butterfly. Its wings crushed under the force of its unexpected predator. The girl jumped up in fright. She ran outside with a broom, and swatted, and swatted.


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