
50 Things to Do During My Gap Year

1) carve a pumpkin
2) plant a little garden
3) read a classic novel by a Russian author
4) do a jigsaw puzzle
5) clean and organize my room
6) find the perfect pet rock
7) make a music video
8) make a soufflé
9) record my songs really well
10) make marshmallows that are good
11) upload a video to YouTube
12) Project Pooh Bear Pals (explanation to come)
13) dye a streak in my hair
14) leave cheery notes around town
15) knit something cool
16) get a job
17) bike at a bike trail
18) perform at an open mic night
19) make macarons
20) go fishing
21) learn calligraphy
22) make jam
23) make a pen pal or at least write a letter to someone
24) bring a picnic lunch to the beach
25) tie dye
26) blow bubbles in public for no reason
27) run a mile without stopping
28) make a painting
29) make popsicles
30) read a classic novel by an American author
31) donate blood
32) learn to play a song that I like on the piano
33) paint a new uplifting quote on my wall
34) get a henna tattoo
35) send someone a thank you note
36) use an ingredient that I've never tried before in a recipe
37) visit a playground and swing
38) write down all of my wildest dreams
39) stargaze
40) go to a movie by myself
41) fold a complex origami animal
42) try ten Smitten Kitchen recipes
43) sketch from real life in a place that I love
44) ask three people the name of their favorite books and read them all
45) have a half birthday celebration for someone
46) sell something on eBay
47) write a fan letter
48) try to get a poem published
49) make fondue
50) send a message in a bottle


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